Updated Workforce Blueprint identifies top in-demand jobs for Southern Nevada

Carolyn Kresser
carolynk@lvgea.org | (702) 522-3604


April 5, 2022


LAS VEGAS, Nev. — A regional partnership led by the Las Vegas Global Economic Alliance (LVGEA) is releasing today the updated 2022 Workforce Blueprint, identifying the top in-demand jobs in Southern Nevada. This is the first Blueprint produced for Southern Nevada since the start of the pandemic. Among the top in-demand jobs are software developers, engineers, managers, and nurse practitioners. View the full list here.

The 2022 Workforce Blueprint was created in collaboration with Workforce Connections, Nevada Governor’s Office of Economic Development, Vegas Chamber, Henderson Chamber of Commerce, Urban Chamber of Commerce, and Latin Chamber of Commerce.

“The 2022 Workforce Blueprint is a purposeful, data-driven roadmap to help build the workforce employers need in Southern Nevada,” said Workforce Connections Executive Director Jaime Cruz. “The updated Blueprint shows that the top in-demand jobs require specialized training, which means we must work together as a region to align workforce development with economic development. By connecting employers to a ready workforce, we can support a growing economy while providing Southern Nevadans the opportunity to earn higher wages to better support themselves and their families.”

Produced by Emergent Method, a management and strategy consulting firm, the research publication identifies the jobs expected to be in greatest demand in the coming years and provides recommendations on scaling educational and training solutions to meet this demand.

“A skilled workforce is a key factor in recruiting and retaining quality companies in Nevada,” said Michael Brown, GOED Executive Director. “We must continue to build our certificate programs and support our community colleges who are so vital in supplying our manufacturers with critical employees.”

LVGEA released its first Workforce Blueprint in 2017, and the document was updated in 2019 to incorporate new data and more recent insights. Regional partners wanted to investigate how recent economic shifts due to the global pandemic had affected the Southern Nevada workforce, leading to the updated 2022 Workforce Blueprint.

“What we discovered is a story of both disruption and opportunity,” said Tina Quigley, LVGEA President and CEO. “Disruption within the region’s leisure and hospitality sector, but with a huge opportunity to retrain those workers into higher skilled technical careers. The entire region must continue to work together to jointly address the significant workforce challenges and keep pace with an economy that is poised to experience rapid growth.”

The updated Workforce Blueprint provides a series of recommendations for regional leaders to implement. Those recommendations include:

  • Scale existing efforts addressing workforce needs and adapt training programs to rapidly reskill displaced workers and place them into new roles with elevated demand.
  • Illustrate the opportunity for in-demand jobs with high economic mobility and communicate the value of transitioning into a new career for potential employees.
  • Define and communicate a shared Diversity, Equity and Inclusion policy for the regional economy and create a regional DEI committee.

View the full list of the top 100 in-demand occupations and the full 2022 Workforce Blueprint, including the full list of recommendations, here.


About Las Vegas Global Economic Alliance

The Las Vegas Global Economic Alliance (LVGEA) is a public-private partnership dedicated to growing the economy in Southern Nevada through connectivity, community development, and strong business recruitment, retention, and outreach. As Southern Nevada’s regional development authority, the LVGEA’s vision is to help residents thrive in a global economy by fostering a more prosperous, diverse and connected regional economy. To learn more, visit lvgea.org.

LVGEA has been designated as one of eight Regional Development Authorities (RDA) in Nevada by the Governor’s Office of Economic Development (GOED) for 2021-2022. Each RDA receives oversight and major financial support from GOED.




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