Emerging Small Business (ESB)

Emerging Small Business (ESB) Certification Program

The Emerging Small Business (ESB) certification program was created in 2014 to encourage the development and growth of small businesses in Nevada. The program seeks to assist small businesses in obtaining work with the state and local government agencies through identifying small businesses that want to contract with governments. An applicant seeking certification as a Local Emerging Small Business in the State of Nevada must submit a complete application to the Nevada Governor’s Office of Economic Development. Failure of a business to disclose information in the application, or the submission of a materially incomplete application, may be grounds for a delay in the certification of the business or for denial of the certification. Submission of a falsified application may subject the applicant to civil and criminal liabilities.

Application Process

Interested businesses seeking to obtain certification as an Emerging Small Business (ESB) will submit a completed application to GOED via the online application (click here) and attest that the business satisfies the requirements of the program.

  • Applications will request general information about the business including address, legal structure, date established, capabilities, gross receipts for the last 3 years, and number of employees

  • Applications will be reviewed upon review and notification of determination within 90 days

  • There is NO fee to apply. Application and renewal are free

What Happens After I’m Certified?

Certification is valid for 2 years after the last day of the month in which it was issued or renewed
(Example: if you are approved on 4/17/2022, certification is valid until 4/30/2024).

  • Continuing eligibility information (i.e. updated financials) are not required during that 2 year period

  • ESB is responsible for ensuring that GOED has current contact information

  • Any individual, firm, or agent who believes that a certified ESB does not meet the qualification requirements may file a complaint with GOED. GOED will then investigate and could ask for copies of financial records to confirm eligibility

Marketing To Government Agencies

Once certified, Nevada businesses can use ESB certification as a tool when marketing products and services to Nevada government agencies – target those agencies that buy the product or service you sell (some homework is needed!)

  • Relationships are key – make sure buyers know who you are and what you do

  • GOED has another free program and resource available for Nevada businesses – the Nevada APEX Program

    Government Contracts Advisors (GCA) are available for one-on-one counseling

  • Workshops hosted on a regular basis with buyers at federal, state, and local government agencies

  • Contact a Government Contract Advisor by phone at 775-687-9903 in Carson City or 702-486-2700 in Las Vegas OR by e-mail: procurement@goed.nv.gov

Nevada’s Opportunities


Nevada Dept. of Business & Industry – Business Resource Center

The hub is a convenient place to access information and resources that can help you start, manage, and grow your business in Nevada.
Get More Information

Nevada APEX Accelerator – Government Contracts

The APEX Accelerators program focuses on building a strong, sustainable, and resilient U.S. supply chains by assisting a wide range of businesses that pursue and perform under contracts with the United States Department of Defense, other federal agencies, state and local governments and with government prime contractors.
Get More Information

Other Grants & Incentives

Government grants are funded by your tax dollars and, therefore, require very stringent compliance and reporting measures to ensure the money is well spent.
Grants and Incentives

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