Rural Economic & Community Development

The Rural Economic & Community Development Division

The Rural Economic and Community Development Division of the Nevada Governor’s Office of Economic Development (GOED) focuses on promoting and facilitating community development in rural Nevada. Their goal is to build prosperity and enhance the quality of life in these areas. Community development involves dialogue among community members to establish a shared vision for the future, reaching consensus on necessary actions, and fostering communication, cooperation, and collaboration. Critical issues in this process include infrastructure development, education, job creation, addressing social problems, cultural and recreational programs, charitable giving, youth retention, leadership development, and marketing the community. The division, along with its partners, actively work to promote development and growth in rural Nevada.

Community Development Block Grant (CDBG)

The Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program is one of five formula programs administered by the Department of Housing & Urban Development (HUD). Authorized as part of the Housing and Community Development Act in 1974, the CDBG program allocates funding to the State of Nevada: the funds are allocated to cities with populations under 50,000 and counties under 200,000. This program is called the State and Small Cities Program – or the Non-Entitlement Program. Larger cities and counties, cities over 50,000 and counties over 200,000, receive funding directly from HUD through the CDBG Entitlement Program. The Governor’s Office of Economic Development (GOED): Division of Rural Community & Economic Development administers the CDBG Non-Entitlement Program and focuses on funding infrastructure in the rural communities.

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Nevada Main Street

Nevada Main Street is a holistic approach to downtown revitalization that includes historic preservation, community development, beautification, and economic vitality.  It supports business creation and retention to create and sustain healthy and economically vibrant communities, with a primary focus on improving quality of life for residents. The program offers community-based initiatives with a practical, adaptable framework to adjust for each unique community, growing with the community over time.

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Launch Rural Nevada

Launch Rural Nevada is an annual event designed for startups and small business owners in rural Nevada and provides opportunities for mentorship, access to capital, and connection with entrepreneurial support organizations in Nevada. This year the event will be held in a hybrid format with local, in-person viewing sites and online options.

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Meet The Team

Shari Davis

Director, Rural Economic & Community Development

Jessica Sanders

Program Administrator, CDBG

Sarah Lilly-Clark

Program Specialist, CDBG

Suzette Manzares

Administrative Assistant

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