West Wendover Announces Ambitious Downtown Project

GOED’s Community Development Block Grant Program Contributes to Planning and Construction



Contact: Gregory Bortolin,
Director of Communications
grbortolin@goed.nv.gov (775) 687-9917


November 16, 2023


CARSON CITY, Nev. – The Nevada Governor’s Office of Economic Development Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program is contributing $525,000 to West Wendover’s $7 million Downtown Infrastructure project.

“We’re beyond thrilled about the West Wendover Downtown Infrastructure project,” said Jessica Sanders, GOED’s CDBG Program Administrator. “This project is an absolute game-changer for the city and its community. Having already invested over $100 million in our rural communities since 1982, this initiative is set to redefine West Wendover’s downtown like never before, promising a vibrant transformation and a surge of economic development for years to come.”

Chris Melville, West Wendover City Manager said this project is 20 years in the making, from planning, to acquiring land, seeking funding and finally construction. In addition to GOED’s $525,000 grant, USDA Rural Development is providing a $4.4 million loan, the City of West Wendover is contributing $569,799, U.S. EDA is giving a $1.1 million grant, and Nevada Gold Mines is giving a $400,000 grant.

“With the completion of this project West Wendover will now have a ‘Downtown,’ something our community hasn’t had since its inception as a small oasis stop at the end of a long desert highway starting over a century ago,” Melville said. “This downtown project will result in new opportunities for business investments and developments bringing job growth and a better tomorrow for our residents and businesses for many decades to come. It shows that West Wendover is a community of pride with a strong heart, a community of persistence, dedication and one of never loosening its grip on a dream for a better future.”

West Wendover held its dedication for its sprawling downtown redevelopment project today at its Victory Plaza near the intersection of Wendover Boulevard and Pueblo Boulevard. GOED’s CDBG program is funded by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development and overseen by GOED’s Rural Community Development Division.





About the Governor’s Office of Economic Development

Created during the 2011 session of the Nevada Legislature, the Governor’s Office of Economic Development is the result of a collaborative effort between the Nevada Legislature and the Governor’s Office to restructure economic development in the state. GOED’s role is to promote a robust, diversified and prosperous economy in Nevada, to stimulate business expansion and retention, encourage entrepreneurial enterprise, attract new businesses and facilitate community development.


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