May 20, 2021
CARSON CITY, Nev. – The Nevada Governor’s Office of Economic Development’s Nevada Main Street Program announced six grants today totaling $126,034 for six Nevada communities.
“All of these projects will help create a sense of place and celebrate unique main street districts in each community,” said Patty Herzog, GOED Director of Rural Economic and Community Development.
The grants were awarded to the following communities:
- Gardnerville: $9,750 to establish a Memorial Wall to commemorate the dedication of Main Street volunteers. The wall will be located at Heritage Park.
- Mesquite: $18,884 to install a public art feature and provide artistic wraps for utility boxes in partnership with the Mesquite Public Arts Commission.
- Reno: Up to $30,000 for illumination of the ReTrac Plaza Mural.
- Tonopah: $30,000 to install 3-D custom-made metal artwork on handrails along Main Street, and to paint an interactive 3-D-mural on the outside of the Tonopah Convention Center.
- Wells: $17,000 for a “Paint the Town” project to restore historical paint colors to commercial buildings in the Main Street district.
- Ely: Up to $20,400 for expansion of the Ely Mural Project that tells the story of “Where the World Met and Became One” highlighting the Ely Shoshone Tribe, a wildlife scene, and a depiction of a 1919 military convey.
All grant awards will be matched with local funding and donated services. Since 2019, Nevada Main Street has awarded 19 grants for $375,000 to support downtown revitalization. The Nevada Main Street Program received a total of six applications from six communities requesting $135,634 in funding for placemaking projects.
Nevada Main Street takes a holistic approach to downtown revitalization that supports business creation and retention to support healthy and economically vibrant communities administered by GOED. The program provides a framework for communities to address the full range of issues and challenges facing traditional commercial districts.
About the Governor’s Office of Economic Development
Created during the 2011 session of the Nevada Legislature, the Governor’s Office of Economic Development is the result of a collaborative effort between the Nevada Legislature and the Governor’s Office to restructure economic development in the state. GOED’s role is to promote a robust, diversified, and prosperous economy in Nevada, to stimulate business expansion and retention, encourage entrepreneurial enterprise, attract new businesses and facilitate community development. More information on the Governor’s Office of Economic Development can be viewed at