Language Access Plan (LAP) & Resources
Language Access Plan (LAP) & Resources
This page serves as an outreach effort to improve access to all of the Governor’s Office of Economic Development services, programs, and information for Nevadans with Limited English Proficiency (LEP), pursuant Senate Bill 318, signed into law by Governor Steve Sisolak during the 2021 Nevada Legislative Session. The Governor’s Office of Economic Development complies with applicable Federal civil rights laws and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, or sex.
- Senate Bill 222 (SB222) requires all state agencies that interact with or offer programs and services affecting minority groups to designate a Diversity and Inclusion Liaison (DIL) within that agency.
- Please click here for a list of available Diversity and Inclusion Liaisons (DIL)
- The mission of The Interagency Working Group on Limited English Proficiency (LEP) is to share resources and information to help expand and improve language assistance services for individuals with limited English proficiency, in compliance with federal law.
- The Governor’s Office for New Americans (ONA) was created through Senate Bill 538 to promote opportunities for immigrants, refugees and aspiring Americans to thrive in Nevada.
- The Skilled Immigrant Integration Program’s goal is to help facilitate the pathways of workforce integration and development of Nevada’s skilled immigrant and refugee population.

Request For Translation Services
Please fill out the following form if interpreter or translation services are needed. The Language Access Coordinator will respond to your request.